Ground Up

The Problem As We See It

  • True or False?

    True or False? Homeownership rates among Black Americans are higher today than they were in the 1980s.


  • True or False?

    True or False? Black Americans have yet to reach a rate of 50% homeownership in United States history.



Built for Impact



Through the Ground Up Project, we will strengthen our relationships and impact in the community while developing the next generation of business leaders in the City of Detroit.

Legacy Builders will experience an integrated model of full spectrum support to ensure that they foster the skills, talents and competencies necessary to thrive intellectually, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Each apprentice will walk away from this experience with a fully integrated business plan and the tools necessary to thrive while sustaining themselves and their business.

All applicants are required to complete a rigorous application prior to participation in the Ground Up apprenticeship. Male and Female applicants between the ages 18-25 will be selected from three talent pools – local Detroit talent, applicants representing our partnered ally organizations, and the Coalition’s broader national audience. Selected apprentices will have the opportunity to work in their desired field of choice within the Detroit metroplex at employer partner businesses of the Ground Up Project. Apprentices will live on site for two years. These young adults will be given a unique, dual opportunity to live and learn independently, as well as work responsibly.

As a result of the Ground Up Project’s curriculum, programming, formal learning, and work assigned by industry mentors during the apprenticeship; our young people will be prepared to succeed in their communities, and become strong contributing members of society.


Age: 18-35 years of age
Interested in one of the three categories:

  • Entrepreneurship & Business
  • Professional Career Development
  • Skill Trades


2420 Virginia Park
Detroit, Michigan 48206